Online Registration

Legal Assistant

Location: Online

Registration Fee: $1,699.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

This instructor-led online course is mobile friendly. The course fee includes online access, and all textbooks and training materials. You can register at any time and will be assigned to an instructor who will lead you through this 4-month training program.

Click here for more information and to register.

Legal Assistants play one of the most important roles in the legal industry. Though individual attorneys are ultimately responsible for the legal work they produce and the strategies they devise, many tasks – from legal research and writing, source citing, filing, and others – are delegated to legal assistants. As such, it is imperative for successful Legal Assistants to have a fundamental understanding of the primary substantive and procedural elements applicable to the practice of law so that they can support the attorneys as best as possible. To be as successful as possible on the job, Legal Assistants require a broad understanding of the law, various civil litigation principles where Legal Assistants are used most often as well as the ethical considerations that affect every aspect of the job.

This program offers an in-depth view of the role of legal assistants and paralegals play as an essential part of the overall profession. This program also provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of professional responsibility in the legal field and how these laws apply to all legal staff, specifically. In addition to the general legal ethical concepts presented in the course, learners will research individual state professional responsibility rules as they apply to the overall field and to the paralegal role.

After completing this program, learners will have the opportunity to take the leading national/industry-recognized certification exam(s) essential to entry-level employment in this fast-growing field.
Fee: $1,699.00



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